“Since reading James Dillehay’s books, I have implemented many of the ideas. I have sold about 4 times what I sold in the equivalent time last year!”
Julie Anderson, CostumeSalon.com
“After reading James Dillehay’s books, my business took on a new life. My first order was triple what I had planned for, and other orders are pouring in! Because of the techniques I learned from him, my business is thriving.”
Cathy Marble, Chamisa Hill Designs
“I survived my very first craft show last weekend. Out-of-towners on either side of me sold nothing, but I sold 12 times my booth fee, partly because my stuff is good, but partly because I really researched presentation in James Dillehay’s books.”
Joann Wheeler
“We could not have imagined how much of an impact James Dillehay’s advice would make on our business. To our delight we are seeing results on a faster and larger scale than we expected in such a short period of time!”
Ken Kobrick & Angela Geene, featured on The Today Show
“I applied some of the principles from this book to my most recent craft display. I’ve already sold twice as many items as last year, and my profit is far greater. Book is definitely worth the reading, both for the practical “how to price” info and also a kick in the pants for the less confident among us.”
Eryka Sellers, Amazon.com
“In the 5 years or so since I started selling online, I have read many books on the subject. This one is by far the best. I even put it to the test the other day and charged a reasonable price for something and the customer didn’t bat an eye.”
“James Dillehay spoke on Guerrilla Marketing at our Highest Potential Academy event. We received a ton of praise and appreciation from our attendees who reported his presentation both inspired and moved them forward to a new level in their business. If you are seeking a Guerrilla Marketing expert, I highly recommend James.”
Marcella Harting, Ph.D., Phoenix, AZ
“I have a growing stained glass business and have begun to make some decent money at what started as a hobby. The issue of how to price a certain piece has bothered me and nagged at my brain forever. This book is excellent. It gives you all the formulas and tools that you need to come up with a price that makes sense from a retail stand point as well as from an income stand point. Recommended.”
Luis Noe
“I told myself that if I simply make one sale with the tactics in this book then it would pay for itself and I’ve easily made the cost of this book back!”
Maria Willis, Amazon.com
“I have been doing crafts for a long time now and this book gave me more ideas of what I can make and sell. I learned a lot about what I was doing wrong and what I was doing right by reading this book. This book is for any craft maker at any skill level. This book will help you out.”
Jeremy Jacobs
“After reading James Dillehay’s book, I added one word to a current auction title on eBay for my glass mosaic tiles and now I am getting DOUBLE the number of hits over my other postings that do not use that word. THANK YOU for that great tip!!”
Nancy Cooke, author The Art of the Tile
Feedback from Students at The Learning Annex on James Dillehay’s Live Class:
“James is by far the most qualified and talented marketer for the craft industry. His knowledge is only outweighed by his honest desire to help people.” – Phoebe Welburn, Vice President, Welburn Gourd Farm, Inc.
“Best class Ive taken through The Learning Annex. Two others taken this year were a joke and I thought about asking for a credit!!! This class had very useful info … top quality! I would recommend this class.”
“James Dillehay was wonderful. His style was very user friendly. He answered all questions and flowed with our particular needs. He covered everything on outline, plus more. My experience was one of enjoyment. Each of were heard and answered with ease and honor. What a natural teacher. Thank you for offering this class. I will come to anything he teaches.”
“James Dillehay was not only very informative, but he is open to continued dialog with us if needed. He encouraged us to form a group to benefit us all. He is very knowledgable on the subject and has the passion to learn more. I cant wait to read his books and apply some of his knowledge.”
What Others Say About James Dillehay…
“Quite an expert….Very informative. I wish we could keep you for the next three days.”
Carol Duvall, HGTV, The Carol Duvall Show
“Should be viewed as the blueprint for success in the crafts industry.”
The Crafts Report
“James was a guest speaker on our Guerilla Marketing conference call and he blew me away with what he knows about selling.”
Jay Conrad Levinson, best-selling author Guerrilla Marketing, over 21 million copies sold in 38 languages
“I appreciate your help tremendously. You are one of the only people I’ve ever found who really knows this subject.”
Bernard Kamoroff, C.P.A., best-selling author of Small Time Operator (over 700,000 copies sold)
“James was one of our most popular instructors at SageWays, LLC, because he provided excellent information in an entertaining way. Customers often signed up for multiple classes with James because he gave them practical information they could put to use immediately.”
Carole Douras, CEO: SageWays, Albuquerque, NM
“I couldn’t praise your presentation more highly. It was sincere, clear, straightforward, information-packed, easily understood.”
Meg Gregory, Psychotherapist
“Excellent! Very informative. Very down to earth. Thanks!”
Dr. Rodney Blanks, Ph.D.
“The how-to of how-to books”
“Outlining the practical steps which you took leading to success was outstanding! “
Marilyn Walker, Ph.D., New Mexico
“You are, by far, the most informative and most down-to-earth speaker I have listened to at S.W.W.. Highly beneficial and motivational. Highly accessible.”
Marie Merrick, NM
“Wonderful! Very real. You weren’t above the audience, you were one of us. You’ve slugged through the trenches and dodged the minefields just like the rest of us.”
Angelia LaRue, NM
“If I could only give you one piece of advice on learning how to price handmade items, I’d suggest you spend a couple of hours reading the wonderful book, How to Price Crafts and Things You Make to Sell by James Dillehay. It is truly an essential book for anyone who sells handmade items.” Lisa McGrimmon, CraftProfessional.com
“This book is a must have if you are selling crafts online. Love the info on pricing.”
Tisha King
“If you are seriously considering selling your handmade items for a profit, the topics in How to Price Crafts & Things You Make to Sell are essential to your success.”
Spin Off Magazine
“I love that this book also gives you an idea as a crafter WHERE your items are most likely to sell. If you are new at this kind of thing, you may not know or understand where the handmade market is – with this book you WILL.”
Jessica Blankenship
“I definitely recommend this book to anyone who has a dream of selling their craft items. I enjoyed reading this and plan on re-read to boost my business.”
Emilee Reynolds, Sweetly Made
“The book is very easy to read and understand. It is also very up to date utilizing the internet to help get everything going and maintain a consistent stream of revenue. If you are interested in starting your own craft business then this book is a must-read before you begin.”
Rashad Hussain
“Pricing your art is an impossible task that James Dillehay has totally solved. This book covers EVERYTHING you ever needed to know about how to price your hand made crafts. There were answers in this book for questions that I had no idea that I had until I read about them here.”
C.B. Burton
“Packed with examples and good advice. I sell my fine art pieces at shows and have found this book incredibly helpful.”
DeDragon, Amazon.com
“Very well written. Lots of good information in many areas for the crafter to learn. Knowledge is power, and this book is full of I formation to answer the unanswered questions.”
Lisa Smallwood
“This is a great book! I wish it was around many years ago. It really could help any business i believe to price merchandise. As well as goal setting.”
Kellie Barry
“Necessary for any handmade business! Great formula and information.:
C. Williams
“This has to be one of the best and most useful craft business books around. A must for all crafts people wishing to sell their work. A helpful book for those just starting out and those who have been selling for a long time. An easy and enjoyable read. I will be recommending this one to all my crafty friends. Did I say I love it?”
Susan June
“Enjoyed the book and have put a lot of the suggestions to use. I’d recommend it to anyone trying to start up a craft or on-line business.”
Artfully Ann
“Highly recomended. A well written ebook with tons of tips about how to price crafts, I find the information really useful.”
Laura Diaz
“This book can change your life! By showing how you can create an additional stream of income through eBay sales, James Dillehay’s SELLYOUR CRAFTS ON EBAY can provide you with the time and resources necessary to spend even more time on the creative aspects of your craft. Many crafts people are tied to the schedules of local and regional crafts shows. eBay marketing offers a year around way to approach potential buyers and sell them, not once, but over and over again.”
Roger C Parker, best-selling author of 40 books, published in over 30 languages
“An astonishing amount of usable information, crammed into so few pages! James Dillehay has an amazing talent for getting right to the point, with a minimum of “geekese.” Of the entire list of computer instructional manuals I have read, this one would top the list. I would not hesitate to recommend it . . . even to my mom.”
Lapidary Journal
“We thoroughly enjoyed your class on selling crafts. There were many ideas which we can institute.”
Jo & Mike Hermann, Native American Resources
“As an instructor you are knowledgeable and customer-oriented. Your ideas and concepts were stimulating and exciting. One of the best instructors I have the pleasure of hearing from. Very willing to share ‘trade secrets’ and answer questions.”
Jerald D. Molnar
“This class gave me lots of ideas. It was very interactive, so I was able to put this information in the context of my own business.”
Mark Irwin, Irwin’s Authentic Soap
“One of the most user-friendly yet practical books of its kind.”
Fiberarts Magazine
“This new book is so useful, we can hardly stop using it long enough to review it. If you’re considering establishing or improving a web presence, invest in this book.”
The Crafts Fair Guide
“Everything you need to know is here, and it’s applicable to any craft.”
Whole Earth Catalog
“A useful compilation of ‘insider information.’”
Woodshop News
“Dillehay knows of what he writes because he’s done it. A very handy and practical book.”
Crafts N Things
“Helpful to anyone contemplating any crafts business.”
“An excellent book. The appendices guarantee that the book will long remain as a valued resource.”
Charles Jermy, Dean of Cornell University
“Includes material other books lack.”
Barbara Brabec, author: Homemade Money
“A very well-conceived, informative and useful publication.”
Michael Smith, The Crafts Center
“The first bit of sanity I’ve encountered since I began my business. It teaches me everything I need to know, over and over!”
Carole Baylus, Maryland
“Ideas and sound business advice on every page.”
Arts & Crafts Show Guide
“For artists just starting out as well as those who are more experienced.”
Ceramics Monthly
“Worth reading. Covers basic crafts marketing and business techniques that both beginning and experienced crafts businesses can use.”
Craft News
“Well researched publication filled with useful tips for marketing crafts. The book gives craftspeople sound advice for selling their wares.”
Ornament Magazine
“Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business veteran, you’ll benefit from the helpful marketing and selling tips offered in this handy reference guide.”
Decorative Artists Workbook
“Filled with pricing tips, ideas for extra income, sources for lists of buyers and more, all well-organized and indexed for easy retrieval.”
The Flying Needle
“Dillehay knows the field — I can’t think of a more rewarding retirement pursuit.”
Jack Smith, Syndicated Columnist: Senior Sense
“He knows the art side and the business side of making money with craftwork — an informed guide indeed.”
Southern California Senor Life
“All the perplexing questions are answered and more . . . It’s well worth it.”
Prime Time for New Mexico Seniors
“Pleasant to read, easy to understand, chock-full of really useful information. Covers the whole subject of producing and marketing what you make.”
Vantage Magazine
“Comprehensive is the word for this book which covers everything.”
Aardvark Adventures
“An invaluable, practical business and art blend.”
The Bookwatch
“Just what you need; he’s clearly been there.”
Weavers Magazine
“A useful and enlightening resource.”
Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot
“Specialized resources make this a very useful book for weavers and other craft artists who need solid business information. Recommended for public libraries.”
Library Journal
“The Basic Guide to Selling Arts & Crafts by James Dillehay is like eating beef stew after the hors d’oeuvres — more meat, more filling, more down-to-earth . . . . This book will help you plan your business for maximum profits.”
Stained Glass
“This book is a must-read for any networking professional or those aspiring to become one.”
Networking Times Magazine
“Rock solid GMP (Good Marketing Practices) for becoming and being a successful network marketer.”
John Milton Fogg, bestselling author: The Greatest Networker in the World
“This network marketing book is a great manual that I wish I had when I began my journey in this wonderful profession.”
Kosta Gara (earned over $12 million in direct sales)