James Dillehay – Bio

Short Bio

James is a professional craft artist, former gallery owner and author. He has been interviewed in The Wall Street Journal Online, Yahoo Finance, Bottom Line Personal, Family Circle, Entrepreneur Radio and HGTV’s The Carol Duvall Show. James developed and presented crafts marketing programs for the University of Alaska, New Mexico Community College, The Bootcamp for Artists and Craftspeople, The Learning Annex and National Association of Independent Artists.

Long Bio

James takes artisans from starving to thriving using the principles he teaches in his courses and books.

James is a professional craft artist and former gallery owner. He has sold his handmade products at some of the top juried shows in the USA, in galleries and boutiques from Manhattan to the Grand Canyon, and online at Etsy, Ebay and Amazon Handmade.

He has been interviewed in The Wall Street Journal Online, Yahoo Finance, Bottom Line Personal, Family Circle, The Crafts Report, Working Mothers, and many more including Entrepreneur Radio and HGTV’s The Carol Duvall Show.

James Dillehay has more than thirty years experience selling handmade products and helping other artisans. What he has accomplished:

–Written six books on craft business success and the new: START A CREATIVE RECYCLING SIDE HUSTLE.

–Contributed to three books in the best-selling GUERRILLA MARKETING series sharing insider tips for growing your dream venture starting with few resources.

–Launched a handmade product line that brought in over $136,400 in sales (and counting.)

–Started and ran a crafts gallery near one of America’s top tourist destinations, Santa Fe, NM.

–Marketed more than 200 of my handmade products at highly competitive art and craft fairs, in galleries from New York’s Soho district to the Grand Canyon, and online at Etsy and Amazon.

–Produced and presented crafts business courses for the University of Alaska, The Learning Annex, Sageways, and the Boot Camp Marketing for Artists.

–Coached clients on how to grow their craft business getting publicity on top-tier TV shows including the Today Show, MSNBC, Success Magazine, and others.

–Interviewed in major media including The Wall Street Journal, Family Circle, Working Mothers and top-tier consumer magazines.

–Appeared as a craft business expert on one of HGTV’s most popular series, The Carol Duvall Show.

What real people say about James Dillehay’s advice